Category: Q&A

Q&A: Hiring New Employees

Q:  We know we hire experienced staff, which permits us to limit our training and have a strong team player when they start with the company. We give all our employees the same orientation however; our new hire turnover rate is higher than expected. Once an employee has been on the job for a year…

Q&A: Delegation

Q: I have difficulty delegating because I want it done my way and it takes too much time to show someone else how to do it. Can you give me some tips on how to delegate? – Sandy, Financial Industry A: Success is achieved through successful delegation. You train others to do new things and…

Q&A: Am I making the right business decision?

Q: At times, I question myself by asking “Am I making the right business decision? Is there an art to knowing you’re right?” – Anonymous, MD A: Making good decisions in business and personally is to understand and accept it is okay not to always know the answer and not to be afraid to admit…

Q&A: Asking the Right Questions

Q: I never seem to know what questions to ask and/or I sometimes feel I may come across as being uninformed in a group setting so don’t participate like I should. What is a good way to ask questions? – Larry, Construction Industry A: Asking good questions, next to good listening skills, is key to…

Q&A: Time Management

Question: Productivity is about getting things done in a timely manner. I understand my priorities and know when I arrive at work what needs to be done but when going home at night – the list is not any shorter – nor are the things done I expected to get done. Time seems to get…